Wow Mom sounds like you've had a pretty busy week. Just look at all your amazing accomplishments. That's exciting for James. Sounds like he has some amazing roommates; I'm glad; roommates can make it or break it the first semester. I’m so excited for Erica and Nelson. I can't believe it’s finally time. You'll have to tell me all about it and see if you can send me a picture of her dress. Last time we talked she had designed her own. I'll want to see if it turned out.
That's sad about Tim and Kath, but at least he's able to come home. Kathryn's so strong, I don't know how she does the things she does. Way to go Kath! You take care of that little army you're building. What else is new? How long does is Nancy expected to go through her treatment?
When is James putting his paper in? Does he like Rexburg? You either love it, or you hate.
Oh and mom you'd be so proud of me. My companion has taught me how to crochet and a non-member has reminded me how to knit. On our p-days when we're not playing games and doing things with the other missionaries I've been crocheting toques. I'm only on my second, but I'm getting better and faster.
This week was so great. We had the traveling sisters come up Tuesday night before Zone conference the next day and our ZL also came and blitzed our area. We can't go on exchanges with them so instead we gave them an area to tract. Tuesday was so great. We received two new investigators and multiple lessons that were taught. Then Wednesday was our Zone Conference. That was super long but tons of fun. The talks/discussions were so great. It really helped me formulate the new plans on how I can be a better missionary. Friday we had an appointment with one of our new investigators. Shawnee is a single mom with a little five year old boy, Josh. We went over there and for first part of our visit we just talked. We wanted to get to know her and vice-versa. Then we went into the first lesson talking about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. Good thing I was paying attention because as my companion was teaching she got to the part when Joseph see's God the Father and then turned to me expecting me to tell recite what is said in Joseph Smith history verses 16,17 (?). Luckily the Lord blessed me to remember what those verses of scripture and I was able to recite it almost word for word. We have another appointment to meet with her later this week. I'm pretty excited about that.
Friday night and Saturday night after conference we went over to the Depalma's for dinner. They cooked some really good food. Anyways, Samantha they’re daughter isn't a member but we've decided that she needs the gospel in her life. She's super amazing and goes to church with her mom and the other RS activities as well. We're hoping that if we can get Samantha more involved she might get her parents who are less actives to come as well. Sister Shutt did a very good job Sunday night switching our usual dinner message into a lesson about the Book of Mormon. We both explained the importance of the book and how it blesses lives. We left her with a book and some chapters marked. Hopefully she reads them and wants to learn more.
I finally had biscuits and gravy the other day. Mamma Shep who lives in the Mahomet Ward invited all the missionaries in our district over for dinner Sunday morning for breakfast. Spencer and Caitlin were right, they're good and way easy to make as well.
I love this gospel. It is the only path to happiness. I know that this church is true. I know that when we live worthily prepare and pray for missionary experiences that they will come. We had two really neat experiences this week (along with the many other things that happened). We went to get cough medicine for sister Shutt at Walgreens and ran into a member there buying milk. We talked shortly and then received a referral. Member referrals are so great. It makes missionary work so much easier. Second experience. We were at circle K gas station buying chocolate milk and as I was purchasing our chocolate milk the cashier noticed my badge. She had customers waiting on her so we talked quickly. But I was able to give her a book of Mormon and a card with our names and numbers. There are people out there who are searching for truth. We just need to open our mouths and not be afraid to share our testimonies.
Until next week. I love you all. Take care.
Sister Salmon
So I don't know if it would be to much but maybe if you could add a link or include what you write so when she responds to it we get the full picture. Because I always seem to be out of the loop, I learn alot from just reading her emails. But it would be nice to be included since I am still part of this family even though I live on the other side. :)